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Speaker Name Disambiguation in the Hansard 19th-Century British Parliamentary Debates

Speaker Name Disambiguation in the Hansard 19th-Century British Parliamentary Debates

A pipeline for disambiguating speaker names in the 19th-century British Parliamentary debates.

The Hansard 19th-Century British Parliamentary Debates: Parsed Debates, N-Gram Counts, Special Vocabulary, and Topics

The Hansard 19th-Century British Parliamentary Debates: Parsed Debates, N-Gram Counts, Special Vocabulary, and Topics

Automated scripts for producing the SMU version of the Hansard data, parsing debates, counting n-grams, and dynamically modeling topics.

hansardr: A Software Package in R

hansardr: A Software Package in R

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posextractr: A Software Package in R

posextractr: A Software Package in R


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Test 4

Test 4

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Test 5

Test 5

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